Women's Personal Growth Intensive


Women's Personal Growth Intensive


Here’s a question: Have you fully met yourself yet? I mean in the deepest sense, where you know exactly who you are and where you are going in life. This is an important question.. 

I’d like to invite you to  dig deep with me in this Virtual Personal Growth Intensive. 

It starts on Thursday June 18th, from 7 to 8 pm. the first of 3 Tursday evenings when we gather virtually and consider who we are at a time when Covid-19 may have overshadowed or conversely, awakened you to your passions. Whichever is the case, joining with other like-minded women, 1 hour per week for 3 weeks, will serve as a platform for your seeing more deeply your strengths and your dreams and how to manifest them.

We’ll have shared exercises with open discussion. We’ll have paired sharing through the series. We’ll have homework to do in your own time in between. We’ll keep in mind the impact of Covid 19 on our collective psyche.

This is an intimate visioning event. It is for women who recognize the value of being surrounded by others, even virtually, who are also playing full out in building their vision for the future. .

Here you'll find greatness – in the people who join you, and in yourself.

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