Why I Want My Omega 3s and Vitamin D Nutrients
Dr. Barry Sears was a guest lecturer some years ago when I was attending nutrition classes in New York. Dr. Sears was spending much of his work hours helping kids with ADD and ADHD as he looked for some nutritional ways to help them.
Often improvement to focus occurs by eliminating some foods, most notably sugar and inflammatory foods like french fries and highly processed foods made with trans fats and additives. Dr. Sears guided young patients struggling with attention disorders to improve their diets. Then to further treat attention disorders, , Dr. Sears found that adequate omega 3’s (fish oils) gave a significant boost to brain health and focus.
The nutrient chart below highlights the way Omega 3s and other nutrients support brain health not only of developing brains in children, but also the brains and cognitive function of adults of all ages.
I’m always a proponent of getting your nutrients from food first, and supplements second. But two important nutrients, Omega 3s and Vitamin D, are hard to get in adequate amounts from food alone. I use and make available by mail order both of these nutrients through Metagenics, a company with a solid reputation nd strong R&D labs to ensure high quality.
My personal choice is Omegagenics EPA-DHA 2400 Lliquid for omega 3s and D3 Liquid and I’m able to offer a 20% discount through my portal. I opt for liquid in both cases because liquid is the most absorbable way to take any supplement or medication. As for magnesium and Vitamin C, with a good diet you should be able to get adequate amounts through food alone.
Read through the infographic below which was developed by grassroots health. It’s quite informative