Why Your Gut Matters
Oh there are so many reasons I could state, but for starters, your gut is at the heart of your immune system and your mood.
By far, the most immune receptors are located in your gut. Likewise, 80-90% of your serotonin, the happy hormone, is produced in the gut.
How can you be healthy and happy unless you have a high functioning digestive system? You just can’t.
It’s pretty easy to figure out how we get healthy - it’s by nourishing our immune system with healthy foods and avoiding not only unhealthy foods but other intruders like unnecessary medications that are seemingly benign but when taken regularly will disrupt the works.
We hear about probiotics and prebiotics, but mostly from commercials selling them in pill or capsule form. But the ideal pre- and post- biotics are the microscopic bacteria we grow on our own, Our bodies are like farm land, where we have the opportunity, through quality nourishment, to grow our own. They are the internal plants that optimize the nutrients derived from our food that ultimately feed your blood, organs, tissues, immune system, mood, hormones and metabolism.
But tust like any agricultural farm, here are also weeds in our internal farms. These are harmful biotics that interfere with all the functions just listed. These come from ultra=-processed foods, alcohol, pesticides, and many medications.
Cultivate Your Farm
As always, my first preference in improving health, especially digestive health, is through quality food. Ideally it should be organically grown and include pre- pro- and post- biotic foods. Here’s a very short list for starters:
Prebiotic foods: onions, oats, green bananas 1-2 servings daily
Probiotic foods: fermented foods like sauerkraut, yogurt and kimchi
Postbiotic foods: cacao, pomegranates and green tea