Are you looking to improve your health but don’t know where to start? A simple place is with your lifestyle. Here are a couple of versions: 1. eating on the run or eating out more than in, not sleeping well, stressed, dreading your next medical appointments where you’ll be told to ‘lose weight’ and telling yourself you’ll change your ways…..tomorrow. or 2. Making most of your meals at home with fresh foods, enjoying occasional treats like an ice cream or glass of wine, connecting with friends, and sleeping like a baby.
Which version looks like your life today? If it’s the first, you may be sorely tempted to go with the quick fix and go for the new drugs on the market. But have you ever seen a quick fix work?
Quick fix disasters
I’ve tried the quick fix route with scotch tape when a hem comes out of my pants - not good. Staples didn’t work either. When it comes to drugs, some can be true quick fixes when curing a bacterial infection, but others like weight loss drugs will only work as long as you take them. It’s almost like the drug companies have forgotten that poor food choices and other conditions factor into obesity.
It’s exhilarating at first when the weight comes off with these drugs, but reports show nausea is a common side effect, which may explain the weight loss. What these drugs don’t do is help you create a steady practice eating healthy, eating enough and not eating too much. Health coaching will teach you how this works.
How does health coaching work?
The easiest way to explain it may be with some questions I am often asked:
1. If I work with you will I have to eat weird food?
absolutely not
The idea is to look without judgment at what you’re eating now and help you modify where needed to foods that you like and are healthier. I promise you there will not be foods you dislike.
2. Does this mean I have to give up all my treats?
again, absolutely not
Say today only 30% of your food has nutritional value and the rest is highly processed. Over time you set goals at your own pace with the idea of shifting that percentage of quality food from 30% to 40%, 50% and higher. The higher your nutrient content, the lower your cravings will be and the less hungry you will be.
3. Will you weigh me each time I see you?
As you may notice, diet plans emphasize weight loss or sell drugs or highly processed foods and liquid meals. We talk about your food and your lifestyle and as these improve your weight will gradually adjust and stabilize.
4. How much weight can I expect to lose each month?
purely individual
It depends on your history of dieting and how that may have affected your metabolism. Not everyone who comes for health coaching needs to lose weight; some come for health and wellness reasons. But if you do need to lose weight, 2-3 pounds per month should be a realistic goal. Remember, you gain weight slowly, and to keep it off, you should lose it slowly.
Comments from Happy Women
“I feel so much healthier, my digestion is better and I’m making healthy choices.
Now it’s not about weight - it’s about eating well and feeling good about myself. - Joan R.
Peg helped me change my eating habits . She is a positive and supportive counselor in food and health. She encourages you to eat! It is so refreshing to hear the word DO and not the word DON’T! She gives practical ways to overcome poor habits - like eating in front of the TV. I feel healthy and lost weight and enjoy food again. Anne G.
what’s your next move?
If you’ve been telling yourself you just can’t get any traction on changing your eating and lifestyle habits or you’re totally c confused about what’s healthy and what isn’t, be in touch and we’ll schedule a phone call to see if my work is right for you.