There are sooo many benefits to eating healthy, and I was thinking about one of them today as I was out walking. Eating well helps to clear out the sludge that accumulates in your veins and arteries from too much sugar and fat. It does! Part of eating well is removing inflammatory foods you may be habitually eating and replacing them with as much high quality foods as you need. That would be fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds for starters.
Before I studied nutrition I had no idea how much the sugar I ate was impacting my health. I knew it wasn’t a superfood, but even when my triglycerides were sky high my doctor never questioned me about sugar. He only asked if I was eating a lot of red meat and fried food, which I wasn’t. (I changed doctors.) With my dietary changes my triglycerides have been in the normal range for years, and this is all without feeling deprived or taking medications.
The truth is, when you eat well, your insides change for the better. Digestion improves. That makes for better disposal of waste that your body doesn’t need. There’s less gas and bloating. Just watch the documentary Forks over Knives to see the changes people experience in a very short time.
Okay, you may already know all this, but you’re saying life goes on, you don’t have time, you don’t know what to buy, or you don’t know how. I get that. Today there is so much information out there that can make you throw up your hands and say WHAT’S THE USE??
I’ve been working with mostly women for nearly 20 years now. I’ve learned a lot from my studies and I’ve learned a lot from these wonderful people who have trusted me to guide them toward a healthier way of life. I’ve learned that you cannot isolate food from the rest of your life. You have to make room for it and make it a priority so you can have the energy that you need for everything else that you do. With quality nutrients you have the energy you need to get things done, without feeling hungry. Without good nutrients you will rely on sugar in the form of white flour products like bagels and pizza, and sugar in any form you can get it, and caffeine in any form you can get it, and probably also adrenaline, that precious commodity you should be saving for emergencies.
Which way seems easier for you? if you choose the healthy food way, I can help you. I’ve taken all that I learned from my training, studies and experience with hundreds of women and woven it into a program that works for the busiest of womenI call it 6 Weeks to Diet Freedom.
6 Weeks will give you everything you need to be successful in learning to eat consistently well. It has the basics where i show you specific products that are free of additives and preservatives that can trigger hunger and cravings. Once you have the basics in your kitchen, I show you how to use them, making quick meals that don’t take a lot of time. The results you will see in a very short time may surprise you. Less hunger. More energy. Better sleep. Excess weight loss. Less bloating. Better numbers on your checkup. (My sky high triglycerides have been in the normal range for years now.)
If you are worried that you’ll be dieting forever with this plan, let me assure you 6 Weeks to Diet Freedom is an accurate name. You see, it works when you eat healthy most of the time, because it won’t hurt to have an occasional treat. I learned nutrition this way because like to have a taste of quality ice cream or a home made brownie now and then. With a consistent healthy diet that's nourishing you and keeping you from feeling hungry all the time, you won’t need or want a whole sleeve of cookies.
“I had a really tough year, and with the added stress came weight gain. I felt tired and anxious at times, and forgot about taking care of myself.
Peg Doyle’s 6 Weeks program helped me in a step by step way to look at the triggers for weight gain and to slow down, add healthy organic foods, become mindful about my surroundings, and she showed me how to plan and cook simple recipes.
When I took a step back I noticed how much my husband was cooking, and we were eating poorly with meat in the center of the meal.
We are both cooking now, to adding organic vegetables, beans and some brown rice and cutting back on the protein.
I am also planning on reducing environmental toxins and plan to join a farmshare this summer. Thank you Peg
Kiri Santos”
Kiri's story exemplifies the fact that this program can work in even the busiest of mst stressful times.
One client said she didn't believe me when I said her cravings would stop when she ate well consistently. When I told her she would one day pass by the dish of Hershey’s kisses on her co-workers desk without even an inkling of desire, she silently said to herself “That’s NEVER going to happen”. Well, it did, and it can for you too when your body and your brain knows you are well-nourished. Your brain won't be activating your sugar or salt craving.
Think about how this might change your life. What would you do with the time you’ve been investing in diets and quick weight loss plans, only to lose and gain it all back? How will you spend time when you have more energy and look and feel better? Only you know the answer to this, but i think it will be doing something much more fun than dieting!
This is a lifestyle change. It’s a call to action to love your body and put good things in it. The results are a healthier more energized more attractive you.
The news gets even better. Because I’ve consolidated the key elements of my private coaching practice into a group program, you will have the energy and support of many like-minded women along the path with you. There is always strength in numbers when it comes to women getting things done. Here’s how the program works:
- there will be a specific set of modules released to you every week
- you will have access to a live and recorded group coaching call every week
- you have unlimited email access to me through the 6 week program
- you will pay a fraction of the cost of my private coaching plan
Our next program begins on Thursday, may 21, with a group coaching call at 8 pm that will be recorded for anyone who can't make the call. If you are one of the first to register you will also receive special bonuses, including a half hour personal coaching call with me.
Don't miss out on this lifestyle-changing, life-enhancing 6 Weeks to Diet Freedom. Check it out.
This is an open enrollment program. Once you register you will receive a login and password to enable you to start module I and instructions for the weekly coaching call.