New! No waiting. Sign up and begin when the time is right for you!
Are you ready to give up yo yo dieting, and maintain a healthy weight that stays steady?
What will that be like for you, when you no longer are stepping on the scale every day? When you put lasting routines in place that include high nutrient, delicious foods, you won't feel hungry and go looking for that processed energy bar or syrupy latte. Where will your steady energy take you when you no longer are thinking about that dreaded scale or whether you'll fit into your clothes from last year?
This course gives you the opportunity to get personalized support and mentoring from me along with the enthusiasm and commitment of other women just like you who are working toward the same goal - consistent self-care, high energy and off the merry-go-round of dieting.
I will be accessible by email throughout the 6 weeks to answer all questions and give you direct feedback and the support you need to be successful. This is available only to the 6 Weeks community. How is that for teamwork and a joint effort to get your food and your life in balance?
Commit to making right now, today, the time you become a healthier more vibrant you!
6 Weeks to Diet Freedom
Change your food, and create a lifestyle that supports you in staying on track
Have you ever said to yourself:
“I don’t have enough time”
“I don’t know how to stay consistent.”
“I just want to focus on my life instead of constantly dieting”
If so, I want to help you.
Proven Methods and Results
For the past 18 years, I’ve been teaching, coaching and listening to women just like you. After surveying my most successful clients, I've found the answer and used their insights, combined with my years of experience in health coaching, to design a program that will support you in making healthy eating easy and effortless for you so you can get on with the things in life that are important to you.
If you're ready to stop feeling stuck and start being successful, I invite you to join me for this 6 Weeks virtual course designed exclusively for women. Are you in? Start right now by signing up.
6 Weeks is a results-based program designed to help you establish lasting habits that keep you feeling balanced and motivated to eat quality food on a consistent basis. The wonderful thing about that is when you eat well consistently, you don’t feel hungry and you don’t have constant cravings. It becomes easy and effortless.
As your guide I will hold you accountable, but it won’t be the kind that makes you feel bad about yourself. Instead, we will look at what works well and build on that each and every week. When you stumble, and everyone does at some point, we’ll look at why and figure out how to prevent that obstacle going forward. Why focus on the bad when you can build success on the good?
Receive specialized attention in private or group coaching
During this 6 week program you will…
• Build an action plan for making healthy eating work in your life
• Unleash your inner goddess to connect with others women who share your goals
• Learn to distinguish healthy food from foods that are “hyped” as easy and fast
• Tap into your mindset so you can let go of limiting beliefs and habits
• Discover what’s been holding you back from taking care of yourself and learning to say yes to you and no to obstacle sin your path to wellness
• Learn why stress is an obstacle to weight loss
• Take what you learn in 6 weeks and make it a way of life
Success spotlight
A good health coaching program doesn't limit the experience to food. It gives you techniques to get your nourishment into a good routine so you face life with more energy and clarity. Karen's experience of freeing herself from yo yo dieting with my coaching led her toward a spiritual path.
“I eliminated coffee, diet sodas, most processed foods from my daily intake and incorporated my warm lemon water into my wake up routine.
I am reading Deepak Chopra, MD “What are you hungry for?” and enjoying a daily meditation as part of my wake up routine. “I am happy, I am healthy, I am loved, and I am free” the “I am free” is with regard to being a victim and/or hostage to YEARS of bad habits and yo yo dieting. It’s not another diet it is a life style choice. Thank you for your continued support a component I need for success. Until tonight. Namaste:~) Karen”
You can be successful too.
24/7 access
Convenience and Flexibility
24/7 access to materials so you can work at your own pace. We will work 1 module per week so you won’t be overwhelmed.
that's a promise
Constant Support
I’ll be with you every step of the way
Ready for you
Focused Materials
Modules released once a week for 6 weeks to focus your efforts and support your success
All together
Online Community Support Anytime
Enter your comments, challenges and successes on a group FB page any time of the day or night.
Easy and good
Easy menus and recipes for you
Whether you’ve been cooking all your life or are pretty new to it, the support you get here will have you feeling like a pro in the kitchen in no time
Done-For-You Resources
You won’t have to go looking for resources for food, kitchen equipment, food sources, etc. It will all be listed in the modules.
What Makes This Program Unique?
You might be wondering, “How is this different from a diet?
Diets are a one size fits all business. in 6 Weeks I will help you celebrate your uniqueness and tune you in to recognizing exactly what works for you. No two bodies and no two lives are exactly alike, When you dig deep into who you are, you know what works best for you. We start with the basics of healthy eating and refine it to what works best for you. We practice “tuning in” to who you are at a deep level so you have the confidence to know exactly what you need.
6 Weeks will help you create YOUR ideal way of eating – not just a one size fits all model..
You will receive once-weekly modules coupled with a live coaching call with me. These modules are geared to help you take focused action and get results. Coaching calls are recorded so if you miss them you can listen when it works for you.
The course starts when you register. No more waiting. You'll receive your first download and a follow up phone call the very next day.
Oh, and did I mention, once you complete the 6 week program, you are invited back to future programs at no charge! Get the support for as long as you need it.
Don't waste your time, money and energy on quick fix diets. Learn to eat healthy with positive support from me and make calorie counting and punishing weigh-ins a thing of the past.
Get started today for just $397 and receive multiple bonuses.