healthy eating

Foods for 2024

Foods for 2024

The basics don’t change very much though you will see trends from time to time. Eating well means you are getting your essential nutrients every day in the form of protein, fat and carbohydrates. But it’s nice to switch the source of those macronutrients up so eating doesn’t become boring. After all, despite all the angst the diet industry creates, food is meant to be enjoyed.

Walking through Fire

We went outside where a few people were preparing the fire.  Flames were shooting high in the air, snapping and crackling as we sat on the cold ground watching, mesmerized by the bright flames, feeling a sense of warmth and awe.  Slowly the flames grew shorter and within an hour settled down into a huge bed of  coals and embers.  The people raked them into a big circle with metal rakes.  I watched.