
Autumn Cleanse Results for a First Timer and Others

Autumn Cleanse Results for a First Timer and Others

While there are Cleanses that advocate extreme measures, here at Wellness and You we believe a week of self care with food and personal care reaps powerful results. We run a Cleanse three times yearly -a Post Holiday Cleanse, a Spring Cleanse and an Autumn Cleanse.

Do You Worry about Triglycerides?

Do You Worry about Triglycerides?

Triglycerides are those fatty fibers that move through the bloodstream and should be kept to a level of 150 or less. I used to wonder why mine were so high as I never or rarely ate red meat or fried foods. What I didn’t know was sugar and white flour foods like bagels play a significant role in raising triglycerides, and I was eating a cookie or two every day, and frequently ate bagels.