A study by the Jin Shin Do Foundation found that shiatsu or acupressure can relieve back pain, nausea and agitation.
Secret Sauce
Teachers go into the staff room and hear “I did Paleo and lost 15 pounds"... "don’t eat grains, they are bad for you”. Downtown professionals hear about Ideal Protein and jump on the bandwagon. So why aren’t dieters successful when they use these diets? There are many reasons, but the secret sauce that is missing from all these diets is YOU.
You Are You and Nobody Else
Diets are created with a one-size-fits-all approach. Is that how you choose your clothing? Your eyeglasses if you wear them? Your shoes? Diets do not work because they give you a list of foods you can and cannot eat with no consideration to your specific nutritional needs. And when you don’t have foods that are right for you, you will feel out of balance. Balance is key if you want to feel energized and free of food obsessions.
Questions to Ask Yourself
- what is my typical day like? Am I physically active through the day or do I sit a lot?
- how old am I?
- what part of the country do I live in? Is the weather the same all year or is it seasonal?
- what is my living situation? alone, partnered, family unit, social community
- what is my present health status? have I had any serious or chronic illnesses?
- do I have food sensitivities? if so, what are they?
- do I have cravings? if so, for what?
- where do I eat? home at the table, restaurant, car, other?
- how is my belly health? daily bowel movements, constipated, bloating, gas?
Being clear on these issues will tell you far more about what you need to achieve weight loss goals than any diet can do. When you get clear on who you are, you can take all the important principles of nutrition and tailor them to your needs.
Diets Lead to Disappointment and Frustration
We become overweight from eating poor quality foods. Using a diet to lose weight that was gained from eating those foods will only be temporary, and data shows that 85% of weight lost by restrictive dieting comes right back on. Why do that to yourself?
Love that Sauce
Yes, the secret sauce in all of this is getting to know yourself and your health status right at this very moment. Once that is clear, the next step is learning to nourish yourself with simple whole foods. I show this in my book Food Becomes You
Another illustration of the effectiveness of eating simple whole foods came from a story I heard last week. A woman shared that her Mother recently passed away at 106. I’m always eager to know an elder’s story, so I asked her what her Mom’s health was like. She said her Mom was sharp as a tack, took no meds, and always said“Food is Medicine” . And it is! There is nothing more powerful than a mix of high quality foods freshly prepared and eaten in a peaceful environment. Whether you are healthy, recovering from cancer or dealing with a chronic illness, food is powerful medicine. You can figure out the "medicine" you need when you start with simple whole foods and pay careful attention to how they make you feel. Remember, one size does not fit all. You may do great with broccoli but get a belly ache from asparagus.
An Invitation
If you want the tools to make this happen for you, I can help you. I can tell you more about what’s wrong with diets, but I’d rather help you learn to make wise, intuitive choices that are right for you so you feel empowered in truly caring for yourself. 6 Weeks to Diet Freedom is now being offered on a rolling admissions process. Join me and I will support you every step of the way.
February is the month of love. Learn to love your body. It’s the “home” you live in all your life. Honor it with quality food.
Happy Valentine's Day/
6 Weeks and the Power of Food
When I learned that sugar was not my friend, I learned to eat in a better way that doesn't leave me hungry or feeling deprived. I've been teaching this technique to women for nearly 20 years. Read more to see why it is not restrictive dieting, but simple healthy eating and a balanced lifestyle are the keys to vibrant health.
Stress and Weight
Ingrained habits may be a major obstacle to successful weight loss. In Six Weeks to Diet Freedom you will learn how to change the channel and develop new and better habits that lead you to the results you really want.
Watch this Video for an Easy Lunch
Food Deserts and The Food Project
The Food Project puts teens and volunteers together with farms across Eastern Massachusetts to reconnect kids with growing and eating healthy foods.